Recently it struck me that I have been given the gift of two girls. As the days fly by they won't just be a newborn and a toddler together but playmates and friends. Already Emmeline is Lena's best representative, offering up useful comments such as "La diaper, La come, La night night, La mad, La need socks, La drink?" She comforts Lena when she is said, offers her her favorite (green) pacifier to soothe all woes, laughs at kicking feet and smiles and takes great delight in sharing her books. Its a marvel to watch the world unfold around Emmeline's 2 year old mind, but even more spectacular to watch her share it with her beloved baby sister. This week we had Oma here and Oma trumps all others when she comes. We canned peaches, read piles of books
Lena 3 mo. |
Emmeline 3 mo. |
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