Monday, July 14, 2014

Big sister

Little Emmie isn't so little anymore and she is shifting out of babyhood into toddler world.  It is beautiful watching her vocabulary and understanding  explode around her.  She is suddenly very interested in everything.  She loves  Bible stories (especially Adam and Eve who do a "no no", in Naaman who has "boo boos" and Isaac who went "night night" on the altar.  She is learning her ABCs or "ABs" as she calls them and points out letters to us wherever she sees them. She likes to dress herself, use her potty, count in German, read us books, identify all body parts including freckles, color identifiable objects and sing to herself. At bedtime when we say night night she must include all the people she knows and loves, sometimes including objects like the fan, or noodles or doors.  But perhaps her favorite thing to do is to love her baby sister "La" (Lena) with whom she has fallen completely in love.  In case we might forget, she reminds us to take La, to diaper La, to dress La and wants to share everything in her expanding world with her.  It is as sweet as can be.  La is still in screamy mode- crying around 8 hours a day. But she recognizes her sister and I can tell they will be best friends someday soon. 

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