Lena is two weeks (almost three weeks) old already and I want to record a few of her "firsts". She had her first bath and surprisingly enjoyed it. She met her Pittsburg cousin Ilijana and Aunt Sara and Uncle Doug. Yeah!! Thanks for coming to visit! And she and Emmie went to the grocery store together. (With us of course) Lena continues to be a sweet blessing to our family and her calm, gentle disposition (without reflux praise the Lord) amazes us. She's still a tiny little sweet pea but she's growing and changing right before our eyes. We also celebrated Momma's birthday- a fun addition to our week!
Aww... thank you for sharing Lena's firsts with us! We love to see her and Emmie as they grow. Any chance you could do a post on how you manage a photo blog? How you organize the pictures and store them for the blog? How do you store pictures when you take them off your camera card? I'm tempted to not take pictures sometimes just because I'm overwhelmed by the number we have and don't know what to do with them. Wordpress has limited photo storage, so I guess I'd have to find a different hosting site for a family photo blog. Anyway, I'd love to know what works for you.