Sunday, June 29, 2014

Six Weeks

Dear Lena Loo,

You are six weeks old! How can that be possible? You are holding up your head so well, watching light flicker through the lace curtains and recognizing Emmeline's voice. You turn your head so you can find your big sister. You've had a bit of a rough time sweet baby, with reflux, colic and something weird called anal stenosis, which we are still figuring out.  But you're a good sport, better than your Momma I think. Emmie adores you and calls you "babydoll". She often checks to make sure we bring you along wherever we go and you are the first being she looks for upon waking up. The cats have sadly been surpassed by you.  Its hot now so we've spent many an afternoon out in the backyard. Emmie loves water and we water everything in sight, including Lena's toes.  Here's to an easier next 6 weeks baby girl, some good sleep and special summer memories since we're already midsummer. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Twenty and One

This past week the girls turned Twenty Months and One Month! Its hard to believe they are so big on both accounts.  Here are some pictures

Monday, June 16, 2014

The girls

I'm still not used to saying things like "I'll bring the girls over sometime"- the girls!! Indeed- there are two of them now. Its hard to believe that little Emmeline was once so tiny or that Lena has been here with us for four weeks. Four weeks ago I went to my routine OB appointment without knowing that our little sweet pea was actually coming.  And here were are on the other side.  This first month is intense- there's no easy way around it.  And sometimes once can get stuck in the tired fogs and the 'how do I care for two when they are crying at once' moments and forget to marvel at tiny skirts and the toddler's tunnels in the stone driveway, in wispy hair and alert eyes.  Yesterday we took a long walk as a family on the Green Lane Reservoir. We didn't take any pictures because we just wanted to be present in the moment. And that is what I hope to record here- moments of gratitude for our girls.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Three Weeks

There's been a lot of growing going on around our house (along with a lot of sleepless nights!!)  Little Lena is three weeks old and Emmie is almost 20 months! Somehow we managed to go strawberry picking and even made some jam.  Babywearing seems to be the only way to accomplish anything these days.  Emmie loved picking berries and ate a lot along the way. Lena is more alert and aware of her world.  If we could only get eating figured out (along with sleeping) we'd be in good shape.  

Sunday, June 8, 2014

A few firsts

Lena is two weeks (almost three weeks) old already and I want to record a few of her "firsts".  She had her first bath and surprisingly enjoyed it.  She met her Pittsburg cousin Ilijana and Aunt Sara and Uncle Doug. Yeah!! Thanks for coming to visit! And she and Emmie went to the grocery store together.  (With us of course)  Lena continues to be a sweet blessing to our family and her calm, gentle disposition (without reflux praise the Lord) amazes us.  She's still a tiny little sweet pea but she's growing and changing right before our eyes.  We also celebrated Momma's birthday- a fun addition to our week! 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

june five

June 5 six years ago my dear momma went to heaven. And this year, having just given birth to Lena I can't help but imagine what life would be like should she still be here.  She's missed in these newborn days, as she was with Emmie.  Sometimes my heart is sad when I think of all I want to tell her and then I think of all she taught me about motherhood by being the kind of mother she was. I realize the heritage she has given me. So although my heart wants to be sad today I choose to rejoice in her presence with the Lord, away from cancer and sin and pain and in the gift of her life for 26 years of my life.  I like these pictures because they show her pure delight in motherhood. I love the aprons, the tired eyes and puffy hair. I love her smile. I know how she feels now, having two daughters!  Oh, how you are missed Mom, but oh how loved always.  

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Photo Catch up

These past two weeks have been a blur of life happening and I want to remember all of the events, both new and the normal.  I want to remember Lena's first picnic, Emmie's grocery store on the steps, Emmie's bike skills, playing with cousins, the time Lena met her grandparents and great-grandmother and the tiny toes on our newest girl.  I want to remember how many similarities I notice in our girls and yet how startlingly different they are at the same time.  I want to cherish theses days and remember the blessing they are. I will remember that Lena was born during strawberry season, during Columbine season, (my Mom's favorite perennial), during snapping turtle season.  I will remember that we got raspberry bushes the day before her birth and then promptly forgot to water them for a while. I will remember Lena's springtime birth and the special days with our family following. I will remember that she arrived the day after our real anniversary (hospital) and not on her due date (the day Mom went to heaven). I will remember Emmie's happy face and arms wrapped around my neck when we were all home together again.