We've had many cold, dark and snowy days around here. So we've been digging around for happy projects, bursts of color and things to make us smile. It seems that 2014 will have a lot of growing going on- Mama is growing a baby, Emmie is growing up into a toddler, projects grow slow stitch by slow stitch.
We've had repair work this last week on the electrical poles right outside our house. Emmeline is fascinated by the men going up the bucket. But she doesn't understand why Papa does not come inside to see her. She sees a man in a bundled coat and hat and thinks it is Papa. So she calls for him and waits. Eventually, around 5:30 he does come inside. But little does she know he builds organs by day not electrical poles.
Snow days- it feels like a true winter here |
20 Weeks! Half way there- woo hoo! |
This is a slow slow project nowadays, but the color is nice in the winter doldrums |
I am knitting a pair of socks for myself! What a novelty- most likely I will not be finished for another 5 years, but it feels nice to see rows growing in such a nice purple color |
The cats are depressed- the baby pulls their tails and loves on them a bit too much and they can't go outside! |
This violet was lovely and I meant to take a picture of this burst of color in my kitchen. But it was eaten by a cat who shall remain nameless before I could snap a picture. Still- a reminder of spring |
And last but not least, our laugher for the day. Emmie was doing so well using her spoon with yogurt until she decided to try to drink it out of the bowl. |
Woo hoo - yogurt all over the place! The cross stitch is beautiful and the socks, too - waaayyy too hard for my meager skills. Nice baby bump! Hard to believe it's 20 weeks already. Emmie has the same interest in the outside workers as her dad when he was little. He loved the tractor making hay in the small meadow across the street. Road workers with equipment were a real bonus! Thanks and much love from Oma and Opa