Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 16, 2013

Yesterday would have been my Mom's 62nd birthday.  So although she's celebrating in a far better way, we celebrated the gift of her life.  Emmie, Nana and I had lunch together at a lovely organic cafe nearby and then walked at the Lake Lenape Park.  As I am now a Mother, I realize afresh the blessing my Mother was.  Although she was not with me as long as I might have chosen, she taught me so much, from the very beginning of my life. What an example she is! Happy Birthday Mom. We miss you and love you. Here are some happy pictures.

She taught us to laugh and be silly
She was beautiful!

She taught me to cook

She taught me about family

She was not afraid

She taught us to love the outdoors

On our walk
Nana and Emmie at lunch

On our walk- Emmie enjoys the fresh air
She taught me to sew and love cats

She taught me to garden

She taught me to love books

1 comment:

  1. Thanks - we were hoping for a neat remembrance of a wonderful and lovely woman and this is just beautiful. She is missed so much by many dear folks, especially you, her family. Our only comfort is in knowing that we will be together again and she already occupies the special place that was so carefully prepared for her. Thanks. Oma and Opa
