Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sneak Peek

Here is a tiny sneak peak of Baby Girl's Room. 
This dresser was Baby D's great-great grandmother's dresser.

The diaper changer is a hand-made gift as is the lovely quilt above. Notice the
vintage spotlights for diaper duty.  (They came with the house)

The bench was Baby's Momma's toy chest and the bookshelf
Baby's Grand-dad's as a boy.  This is the library corner.  

This glider is a gift from Oma and Opa and the hutch behind used by J's Mom
(baby's GrandMom) as a baby and as a mother

Yeah for a plush new rug and creamy white walls painted by Grand-dad and A

The vintage dress is one of three from the Kraus side of the family- great-grandmother's baptismal dress? 

Now all we need Baby Girl- is you! Grow Grow and see you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this looks so lovely! I'm glad I checked the blog - what a lift to see all the neat treasures in this cozy den. Thanks! See you soon - mom and dad D.
