Thursday, July 26, 2012

Who will she look like?

Just for fun here are some pictures of baby girl's parents as babies.  In a few months when
we have actual pictures of her I want to look back at these and compare God's marvelous work.

28 week ultrasound 

Growing big

Baby J
Baby A

1 comment:

  1. The question will not be "Who does she look like?" but "Who does she look like right now?" Our little Ephraim seems constantly to be in flux. One day I swear I see a smile I saw in one of Katie's baby pictures and then the next a sparkle in his eye I remember from one of my own. Some people say he looks like her, some like me. Funny thing is when one will swear he has my eyes and another person that he definitely has Katie's. We cannot wait to meet her and see you both again.
