Our little baby boy is 9 months old!! He's now on the move and we're all trying to keep up with him! He's made discoveries this week: toilet paper and cat food! Levi loves to clap and say "so big" and his latest discovery is naming body parts: eyes, nose and mouth (he chomps his 8 teeth!). Levi matches pitch and copies melodies. It's hilarious and a little shocking when singing him to sleep. He loves to sing! He loves bells, puppets, drums, pushing around trucks, banging everything in sight, pulling off the Christmas Tree ornaments and putting on his socks. He loves to eat, especially meat, and has discovered how to toss his meal on the floor. He is a joy and exasperation all wrapped up in one package. (He still won't sleep) But we rejoice in his little life.
We've also been ever so busy with a Nativity play (we had Angel Gabriel, a shepherd and a sheep this year), lots of appointments (Lena's expander is all gone!), getting new glasses, playing music at church, learning to build a campfire and cooking out in the mud kitchen. The girls have been diligently working through their lessons after Exam Week around Thanksgiving and we look forward to some quiet wintering days ahead. Phoebe continues to learn a letter a week and we're up to J, just in time for Jesus as we prepare our hearts for remembering the coming of the Savior into the world. We're all a little weary around here after bouts of sickness and hard days but the weary world does indeed rejoice. As the days darken we rest and wait, again, for His coming.