Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Birdie at 3.5

Phoebe Bird is three and half and to document this little fairy girl we took some photos.  Phoebe at three and half is as much a firecracker as she has always been but there are so many precious memories right now.  Phoebe loves to organize things.  She "recognizes" all of the tea towels and laundry, Levi's clothes and socks and is a good helper all around.  She loves to cook and wear aprons and have a good tea party.  But she is equally happy to play in her mud kitchen and get as muddy as any boy around.  She loves ballet and has two good big sister teachers to help her learn her beginning steps. She knows all of her alphabet and seems almost ready to work on piano and reading.  She has a tender heart and a strong will and let us know what she thinks!  I want to remember her funny phrases:   "First Breakfast" instead of the Last Supper, "I don't have germs because only Germans have them". "I can't eat apples because of Adam and Eve", "I love Anne of Green Bagels", can I practice my "patechisms" (catechism), "Hankie Doodle went to town, riding on a horse", "meatover" (sleepover), "twinzers" (tweezers), "thank you God for zert" (dessert). She is so much fun at this age! 


Monday, April 24, 2023

The many faces of Levi

These are the many faces of the little baby we love, along with his beloved sisters.  I want to always remember your big eyes, your spikey hair, your dislike of all things cold and love of cozy blankets. I want to remember how you screamed when we put a hat on you, how you fell asleep in the bath, and how you perked right up whenever someone sang. I want to remember how your eyes lit up, even this early when you hear the voices you know and faces you are beginning to recognize. I want to remember  how long you are and how big already, and how your birth and size still take my breath away. I want to remember God's goodness in your delivery and how the sisters fight to hold you. I want to remember how you dislike dinner time and cry like mad. I want to remember sitting on the deck in the sun to relax you, and the mountains of laundry. I want to remember you, at this age, forever. 


The Early Weeks

The newborn early weeks are sweet and soggy, exhausting and wonderful. In the blink of an eye our Levi has been here with us for eight weeks.  In many ways it feels like he has always been apart of us, and in another way we are still trying to find our rhythm and help him to sleep.  (Will he?) In spite of colic and nursing difficulties we are finding our way, thanks to the love and support of everyone and three big sisters who love to assist and hold and snuggle.  He is beginning to coo and laugh and smile and everyone is over the moon.  He is currently enraptured with ceiling fans, wreaths and light fixtures and does not ever want to be put down.  The fourth trimester is a real thing this go around and the snuggles are as precious as ever. Here's to treasuring every minute and loving our little boy with all our hearts. What a blessing he is from above!