We praise God for the safe arrival of Levi Marshall Dieffenbach, who was born last Monday on February 27 at 5:03am. He was 9 pounds 7 ounces and 22 inches long. His name is chosen in remembrance of the Levites who were a people set apart by God. Though they had no city of their own, they had God as their inheritance. And his middle name honors a beloved man of God. May he be a Marshall of truth! These first days are a blur already but we are delighting in our little boy and he has three doting big sisters who adore him already. We are learning his ways (this boy likes to eat!!) and adjusting to a new rhythm as a family of six. After so many prayers and so many false starts, after 2 days of difficult labor (he attempted exist with an arm and shoulder up) he is here safe and sound after a redemptive birth and a gift from above. Welcome little Levi.