Monday, August 14, 2017

Little Words

I am not sure what it is about three and four year olds, but the way their minds work boggles me sometimes.  Here are a few phrases and words I want to remember always:

"Can you wash my undershoulders" (under arms)
"Do Birch Beer trees flower?" No. ""If it did, it'd look like a bride, ah".
"Daddy long spiders"
"May I please have bessert since I ate my dinner?"
"May you please help me?"
"I don't like to eat rushrooms"
"Please pass me a nakin"
"I can't know how to tie my shoes"
"I would like to eat an papricut" (apricot)
"I want to do it yesterday"

There's no doubt about it, parenting days can be hard. Life can be full of mountains and valleys, but God has given us many gifts and we rejoice in His goodness to us. This past week was so busy. We did more pickles, made Story Stones for narration work, went to the Goshenhoppen Festival and had dinner with dear friends.  Monday came with a bit of a jolt today as we need to keep house and circle back into our routine, but we're thankful for fun summer memories.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

A trip to the mountains, a few days in the woods.

We went away to Dingman's Ferry for a few days and had such a lovely time in the quiet woods with Oma and Opa. Although we didn't see a bear this year we had peaceful days enjoying each other and marveling at mushrooms, light on the pond, light through the trees and water drops on the ends of pine needles.  After such getaways I'm always inspired to try for more stillness in life, for it is there that you can see beauty and remember truth.  The girls loved the hot tub and nature romps!