Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Ordinary days

Just a few pictures here to log in my heart some ordinary days. Adam was away for a bit and so we just hunkered down and lived life. Some days are full of simple chores and life with little girlies. We struggle through upsets and bad attitudes, bad dreams, sleepless nights and yet....there is beauty in these ordinary days because of the grace extended upon us in Christ. Each day is a gift. Here are a few pictures of some cousin moments and the three girl cousins in matching dresses.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The gift of friendship

If truth be told, we're not huge Valentine's Day people, not the Hallmark variety anyway. But February tends to be a bit grey on many accounts and a burst of color and reminder to love each other well can be just the thing to pull us through the last bits of winter.  We had a very full week with lots of friends and tea parties, both real and imaginary. We had a snowy day and though we couldn't manage to make a snowman hold together we did enjoy the blustery day.  We're thankful for our Nana who drove all this way to deliver little gifts and for the gift of friendship during cold and dreary days.  We're also thankful for more sunshine, for bright tulips, roses and Papa flowers for his little Valentines. We're thankful for our new floor, for greenhouses in winter and our new terrarium.  We've had a really busy, but fun week.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


February is here and two little people have decided to wear red almost every day! We are learning 1 Corinthians 13 and learning what it means to live it out as two sisters and a Mama and Papa. Yesterday we had a taste of spring and played in the sandbox, went for a romp in the woods and thought we heard robins.  Today is grey and rainy so this color starved Mama will look at these eager faces in their red and hope for spring.