Darling girl,
You are fourteen months old! Here's what you're up to these days: You are taking a few steps. You're not too confident yet, but you're getting the hang of standing up and moving those feet! You are getting so long. We've not been to a checkup in a few months so I'm not sure how much you weigh or how long you are but you seem so tall to us. You're in mostly twelve month clothes with a few 9 months still going strong. This month you're working on four molars, so those fingers are in your mouth almost all day long. They are your comfort if you are sad or tired, along with the ear tugging. This month you've really started playing with Emmeline. You love to follow her, to walk after her with your walker, to splash with her in bathtime, to kiss her, to tickle her. You have a love of Bernard, your boy baby doll, your teddy and the cats. You are talking so much. Your latest words are: tractor, I did it, cookie, hey, night night, book, woof woof, cup, drink, thank you. Your not too happy these days because of those teeth but when you are it is like a ray of sunshine. How we love it! You are still so social and always on the move. You don't have time for books, unless you're constrained in the car and then hey, you might as well look at them, right? You know your belly button, your nose, eyes, mouth and tongue. You're getting a little more hair. It seems a tiny bit curly. You are strong, smart and beautiful. You're also really sensitive and if you feel you can't do something well, you lie on the floor. You love climbing steps, going down slides, climbing on tables, throwing pillows down, eating everything all the time. You do not like the pool. But you like the sandbox. Happy fourteen months baby girl. How we love you.