Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fourteen Months

Darling girl,

  You are fourteen months old! Here's what you're up to these days:  You are taking a few steps. You're not too confident yet, but you're getting the hang of standing up and moving those feet! You are getting so long. We've not been to a checkup in a few months so I'm not sure how much you weigh or how long you are but you seem so tall to us. You're in mostly twelve month clothes with a few 9 months still going strong.  This month you're working on four molars, so those fingers are in your mouth almost all day long. They are your comfort if you are sad or tired, along with the ear tugging.  This month you've really started playing with Emmeline. You love to follow her, to walk after her with your walker, to splash with her in bathtime, to kiss her, to tickle her.  You have a love of Bernard, your boy baby doll, your teddy and the cats.  You are talking so much.  Your latest words are: tractor, I did it, cookie, hey, night night, book, woof woof, cup, drink, thank you. Your not too happy these days because of those teeth but when you are it is like a ray of sunshine. How we love it! You are still so social and always on the move. You don't have time for books, unless you're constrained in the car and then hey, you might as well look at them, right? You know your belly button, your nose, eyes, mouth and tongue. You're getting a little more hair. It seems a tiny bit curly.  You are strong, smart and beautiful.  You're also really sensitive and if you feel you can't do something well, you lie on the floor. You love climbing steps, going down slides, climbing on tables, throwing pillows down, eating everything all the time.  You do not like the pool.  But you like the sandbox.  Happy fourteen months baby girl. How we love you. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Savoring Summer

Summer is so fun with two littles. Our days are bursting with  parks, pools, sprinklers, walks, playdates, picnics and exhausted little people and momma and papa. But they are sweet times. We've been busy in the garden picking beans and tomatoes, waiting expectantly for carrots, beets, zucchini, squash and sunflowers. Just this week Emmeline's first sunflower bloomed in her very own first garden.  In the meantime Lena has taken a few more steps and between the two of them there is nary a minute of quiet in the house. The kitties are still in shock.  Happy Summer!


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Summer Days

We've so been enjoying our summer days with morning walks at the park, afternoon craft projects and growing growing!! Lena took her first real steps yesterday and though she hasn't yet realized her freedom, Emmie noticed right away and was a bit worried about the whole thing! This two and a half year old world has been, lets just say....very active.  In one week we had 2 wall colorings, one diaper cream painting on the bed, one rug unraveling and body art.  Emmie has learned how to use her trashcan to climb on top of dressers, turn on lights and take the money out of her bank! We're busy learning shapes and letters, left and right, the C scale on the piano and conducting most music on the radio.  Emmie is loving the tricycle, cooking in the kitchen and being Momma's big helper in everything.  We've just celebrated our seventh anniversary and chose to cook in and stay together instead of going out.  How time does fly by!!

Lena Loo , you are 13 months and you are so busy trying to keep up with big sister. You are still our wee little lady but you are now getting long and you're finally into some size 12 month clothing!  Woo hoo!  We're having a tough time with 1 year molars.  Oh dear.  Hair is finally starting to grow in and it's looking more blond than brown, thicker and curlier than Emmie. Perhaps your hair is like Papa's as a baby?  Your eyes are still blue/green/brown.  Lena, you have an unlimited amount of energy. You do not like to be alone and you do not like to be still. You're not terribly interested in books but we think that is beginning to change.  You like noise and music and movement. You are a talker. You have strings of words and phrases like "Where are you Momma, here you are" and "over there, another one, look, clock, uh oh...." You can be SO SO silly!  You have discovered the toilet paper, cabinet doors and climbing on furniture.  You like to eat just about every food but your favorite is still sausage.  You can eat so much!! As June flies away and July comes it's hard to believe the summer is half over already, but we're savoring every day!