Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lawnmower Ruminations

Mowing an acre-and-a-quarter lawn is a futile activity.  It is futile because I should have chickens and sheep or some other ruminant animal on this land, making use of its verdant bounty.  Nonetheless, mowing the lawn is one of my favorite activities, partly because I get to drive a noisy machine (more-or-less) wherever and however I want (and us boys like to make noise and play with machines), but mostly (I hope) because when I'm not listening to an audiobook, I'll listen to some CCM (I am repurposing this acronym - Cogitation-Conducive Music, not "Christian Contemporary Music") and just think about life as I make my irregularly-shaped laps around a track that I redesign as I go, every time I ride the tractor.

Today, the thought that finally took shape was this:

The more we get used to the idea that food comes from factories, the less human we become.

To be truly human is to recognize our dependence on God and His provision, and to shape our lives around this foundational truth.  However the basic premise of an industrialized food system like what we have today is that the seasons (and possibly meta-seasons?) as God ordains them, coupled with the natural fertility of the soil as God blesses it, does not add up to enough for us to all have food.

It is not enough for a cow to eat grass, as he was made to do, or for a chicken to roam and eat grass and bugs, as he was made to do, or for a fish to swim in a stream, as he was made to do.  It is not enough for the ground to produce whatever it produces.

What spurred this thought to rise to the surface today, I think, is that as Jenny and I were outside with the cats, I noticed an amazing number of chestnuts on the ground, and the question suddenly occurred to me, These things are food. Why are we not eating them?  So I filled a basket with them, and apart from being beautiful to look at, I hope they are also delicious, or at least mildly enjoyable.  I will write a post about the results of this experiment after I have completed it.  Here they are:

But I digress...

Food doesn't come from factories.  It comes from the ground.  And you could argue that the things that are made in factories all started in the ground, so they are still food.  But I maintain that our way of life is based first on a rejection of the fundamental truth that God ordains His providence in our lives and we are fully dependent on Him, and secondly on the acceptance of the idea that we can outdo the natural order as God has designed it.

Let us prayerfully consider whether there is a better way.

In closing I submit, for your consideration:

A better way.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


It was a great day for canning applesauce- a cool, grey day.  The goals
included at least 30 quarts of applesauce and the start of real labor for Jenny.
One goal was met- we canned 36 Quarts this year. The second is yet undecided.
Lots of contractions came after this day, but nothing else as of yet.  Still, I am posting tonight...
just in case. 

Two Mamas 9 Months pregnant- we did it!!

How much quicker this went this year with four people, then a fifth showed up.

The house got hot

But look at the pretty pink applesauce all lined up

To our babies- the Autumn of your births-come soon!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How a Bach Canon Works

We found this really fun!  A dear friend sent us the link to this video.

Somebody got it into his head to portray a crab canon visually, using a mobius strip.

For those of you who are not familiar with counterpoint, let me just set the record straight:

That would be more of a crab cannon, really.

The crab canon is a piece of counterpoint in which the melody can be played backwards and upside-down at the same time.

Monday, September 17, 2012

This and That

In the middle of wondering and waiting about Baby D we've had some fun times:
Our dear friend Jane came to visit and we did a belly shot in the sun together.
Yeah for baby's due dates 5 weeks apart!  Who will baby Peterson be? Boy or Girl?

Sunday afternoon was lovely so we took a 36 Week belly shot

And we went to Peace Valley Park to read books

And to rest in the sunshine

This morning we learned that Baby D is 5 pounds 8 ounces and doing great!
Apparently the drama in her Mama's body is not affecting her growth and for
this we praise the Lord! 

They also noticed that she has lots of hair- this is a funny shot so we had to post it.
What color is it?

Friday, September 14, 2012


These pictures are just belly shots- most likely a few of the last ones we'll
take of baby inside.  But they are significant because they mark Weeks 34 and Week 35 of
this pregnancy- milestones no doctor ever thought we would reach.  I remember them saying to be ready to deliver at Week 28.  But God, in His perfect care of the three of us has sustained the baby and my body and we rejoice in this!  As the Israelites did in the wilderness-these pictures represent
a standing stone- Ebeneezer- God has been here! Praise His name! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dear Friends

Our dear friends, the Boddecker family spent Sunday afternoon with us! 
We had such fun meeting their sweet son Ephraim, talking, learning about Kombucha
Kefir and their wonderful family.  However diligently I planned to take some fun pictures, I forgot. Thus I have shamelessly swiped this picture from their blog: /
There is never enough time to talk and catch up (since they live in NY) but we hope another visit is in store in the next few months when Ephraim can meet a new little friend.  Thanks for your fellowship dear friends! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Our Week in Pictures

This week was a little stressful with baby almost appearing a few times.
In the middle of the questions and wondering we had a few laughs.

Look- there's a cat in the tub!

Practice makes perfect
The quilt is cut- time to sew

Cat Nests anyone?