Thursday, May 31, 2012

Strawberries are here!

This morning dawned beautiful and cool, so we seized the moment and picked enough strawberries
to last us the year.  Plans for this year's strawberry season include the usual putting up, rhubarb strawberry jam, vanilla balsamic strawberry jam and tarts, pies and syrup. 
Aren't they beautiful?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

End of Year Festivities

 Last Thursday we surprised Mom by attending her Retirement Concert at her middle school. Here she is conducting her last concert.
Mom conducting

The Dieffenbach siblings
Last night our students put on the 2012 Spring Recital. Everyone played splendidly
 and we had over 55-60 people in attendance. 
It was a fun night and we were so proud of everyone!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

You know it's spring when...

The peonies are blooming

And the cats get their 6 month baths. Don't they look thrilled!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

To our Mothers

Provers 31: 28
'Her children rise up and call her blessed; a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised'.  We love you.
Mom Dieffenbach

Mom Kleeman

Springtime Happenings

The days have been full- writing, editing and more writing. But in the fringe hours
we've made some time to enjoy this beautiful spring that God has given us. 

Picnic suppers outside in our "small park" to quote Jane Austen 's Pride and Prejudice

Our new thrifted $5 find- a new picnic blanket

And growing gardens

There have been climbing cats learning to go out on a limb

And the beginning of another quilt

This quilt is a special quilt- made from Mom Kleeman's Clothes
(Stay tuned)