Sunday, May 29, 2011

There and Back Again: Part 2

We spent a lot of time looking at old books- wonderful old hymnals, handbooks, devotional books and discussing the current state of our research
Emblems on a 17th century liturgical handbook written by a woman, Magdalena Cybilla

This is a personal prayer someone wrote in the back of their devotional book. These were small enough to carry in one's pocket

Deyling was the Superintendent who examined Bach for the post of cantor in Leipzig.
This is his liturgical handbook

Driving back home again we went along the coast of Maine/New Hampshire

A burst of yellow at the feeder. For some reason NH birds looked larger to us! Are they?

There and Back Again: Part I

So we went to New Hampshire this week to meet with our dissertation advisor and stopped a few places along the way

Ringing Rocks State Park- PA

The water was surprisingly low but we love waterfalls so we had to stop

Then we drove 5 hours and went to Wadsworth Falls State Park: Connecticut and it was a bit of a disappointment. The water was very low.  But we were glad to stretch a bit

This was a "Giant Laurel" and was really neat

A lovely wall in the sunlit afternoon

The lovely path we walked through the woods in Connecticut
Our advisor, Dr. Robin Leaver lives on the river in lovely Dover, New Hampshire
Adam and Dr. Leaver

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Sunny Saturday in Telford: An afternoon in pictures

Our Lobelia and Geraniums are blooming

Laundry flapping happily on the line

Curbside finds- now we just need some cushions

Our gardens are growing- the beans shot up overnight

Snow peas

Herbs and Tomatoes

From the back our house looks like an old school house, doesn't it?

Our forest

Our mystery plant has bloomed. The verdict is: Bachelor Buttons

A wonderful discovery: Lupine!

Our 3 year old geraniums that we winter inside are about to bloom once again

Maggie in the window

Pansies loved this rainy weather

New arrivals. Only a mother could find them cute at this point.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Phd Finals?

So there aren't any pictures this week and there may not be for a time.  We hoped to take our Sunday afternoon walk but it was rained out and it looks to be a rainy week. We're in the thick of writing these days, so we're calling this week which may last a week or two or more our Phd finals.  It doesn't mean we'll be finished in two weeks but we may disappear for a while. Forgive us and stay tuned for more exciting times.  J and A.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekend Fun

We had friends for dinner Saturday and Adam made Fontina Kabobs with tomato, mushroom and artichokes

Strawberry Galette with homemade vanilla bean icecream- yum

For our Weekly Sunday Walk we went to the Perkiomen Trail and got on the trail at Rahns.  The Phlox-like wildflowers are just beginning and everything was lush and spring green

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A discovery on the front porch

Two tiny finches came to visit our porch last Saturday (causing quite a stir within). In one
 week they made this lovely nest and laid 3 eggs right on top of our wreath!

Monday, May 2, 2011

An afternoon with the Kleeman Jrs

Our weekend was also filled with some fun time outside with Sammy

Don't you love the socks? So stylish Sam!

Going down the slide

Sammy all ready for bedtime

What a happy guy

A New Sunday Afternoon Tradition

Our new hobby on Sunday afternoons is to find a trail we've never been on
before and take some pictures.  This is Peace Valley Nature Center in Chalfont.  I (Jenny) grew up coming here
as a small girl. But this is Adam's first time. It is as enchanting as it always was. 

This is the Pooh Tree and it was appropriately swarming with honey bees. So sadly we couldn't go
inside to take a picture.

This forest/grove of pines was especially inviting.  Yeah for new paths and forests. Yeah for spring green and bird song after a long week.